WIO 2016 mortality
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This layer shows coral mortality observations as compiled by CORDIO from partners on the ground in the
Indian Ocean region during 2016 bleaching season.

Publication Date
Vector Data
coral , mortality
flora and/or fauna in natural environment. Examples: wildlife, vegetation, biological sciences, ecology, wilderness, sealife, wetlands, habitat
Africa , East Africa , Kenya , Madagascar , Mauritius , Mayotte , Mozambique , Reunion , Seychelles , Somalia , United Republic of Tanzania , Southern Africa , Maldives , Sri Lanka , Myanmar
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Maintenance Frequency
Data Is Updated Every Year
This data has no special restriction. However, user are encouraged to give credit to the data owner.

This layer is meant for use in multiple purposes among them identification of pressure point/areas that may require immediate attention as well monitoring...

Supplemental Information

For more information on WIO coral bleaching and reporting please visit http://cordioea.net/bleaching_resilience/io-coral-bleaching-alert/

Spatial Representation Type
vector data is used to represent geographic data
Attribute Name Label Description Range Average Median Standard Deviation
Date in dd/mm/yy in which the observation was reported Date in dd/mm/yy in which the observation was reported NA
Bleaching month Bleaching month NA
Country in which bleaching observation was reported for. Country in which bleaching observation was reported for. NA
Broader area within a given country where monitoring is /was conducted Broader area within a given country where monitoring is /was conducted NA
A specific point where bleaching is observed i.e dive point A specific point where bleaching is observed i.e dive point NA
Reef Reef NA
Bleaching Observation Bleaching Observation NA
Bleaching range Bleaching range bleaching is estimated on a scale of 0-100 % NA
Latitude Latitude NA -14.13 -12.98 7.39
Longitude Longitude NA 48.88 45.24 9.43
depth in meters depth in meters NA
Live hard corals Live hard corals NA
Affected genera Affected genera NA
Level of bleaching Level of bleaching NA
estimated coral mortality estimated coral mortality NA
Mortality range/estmate Mortality range/estmate mortality is estimated on a scale range of 0-100% categorized in different bins NA
Person/individual who made the observation Person/individual who made the observation NA
Observer affiliated organisation Observer affiliated organisation NA

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    Project Partners: IRD (REUNION ISLAND), CORDIO (KENYA), Eduardo Mondlane University (MOZAMBIQUE), IHSM (MADAGASCAR), Ulanga Ngazidja (COMORES), University of Dar es Salaam (TANZANIA)

    Point of Contact


    CORDIO East Africa

    Metadata Author


    CORDIO East Africa