WIO GCRMN Benthic Monitoring Sites (April 2020)
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This layer shows the spatial distribution of WIO GCRMN monitoring sites. The attribute table shows the first and most recent monitoring period/year. The recent year attribute is used to categorise the locations. Contact Mishal Gudka mgudka@cordioea.net for more information about this resource.

Creation Date
April 21, 2020, 2:50 a.m.
Vector Data
positional information and services. Examples: addresses, geodetic networks, control points, postal zones and services, place names
Africa , East Africa , Western Indian Ocean , Comoros , Kenya , Madagascar , Mauritius , Mayotte , Mozambique , Reunion , Seychelles , Somalia , South Africa , Tanzania
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Maintenance Frequency
Data Is Repeatedly And Frequently Updated
formal permission to do something

Spatial analysis of GCRMN monitoring effort and gaps within the WIO region.

Supplemental Information

No information provided

Spatial Representation Type
vector data is used to represent geographic data
Attribute Name Label Description Range Average Median Standard Deviation
County County NA
Sector NA
Site NA
Station NA
Reefzone NA
drop NA
First year of assesment First year of assesment NA 2009.23 2010.00 6.46
Recent year of assesment Recent year of assesment NA 2012.91 2014.00 4.66
lat NA -10.79 -8.63 7.02
long NA 45.47 43.22 7.34
Number of year Number of year NA 3.13 1.00 3.60
organisation organisation Contributing/reporting organisation NA
notes NA

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